The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics
is the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the oft neglected field of satirical linguistics—and it is now available in book form!
The book is written for linguists, by linguists. It’s about Linguistics and Language, but it’s not a textbook. Rather, it takes a sidelong look at all that is humorous about the field. Containing over 150 articles, poems, cartoons, humorous ads and book announcements—plus a generous sprinkling of quotes, proverbs and other witticisms—the book discovers things to laugh about in most major subfields of Linguistics. It pokes good-natured fun at linguists (famous or otherwise), linguistic theory, and many aspects of language. The authors and editors are linguists who love their field, but who at the same time love to celebrate the funny aspects of Linguistics. The book invites readers to laugh along.